Our planet faces unprecedented challenges in terms of environment and climate, which overall threaten our prosperity. However, there is still room to reverse many of the negative trends, make adjustments to minimize damage and restore and protect critical ecosystems.
The Disaster Resilience Innovation Cluster – Defkalion (DRIC Defkalion) is the first coordinated, interdisciplinary and innovative collaborative action in Greece in the critical field of protection against environmental risks. DRIC Defkalion aims to bring together under the same umbrella businesses, research organisations and technology companies active in the field of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development to market innovative products and services, as well as research results with the ultimate goal to effectively manage and deal with natural disasters, environmental crises and civil protection emergencies for a healthy and safe environment and to achieve long-term sustainability.
DRIC Defkalion focuses its interests on the following Areas of Activity:
During the 1st current period of our work (09 / 21-02 / 22) the members of DRIC Defkalion will focus their attention on the recording and evaluation of main parameters, such as:
More specifically, DRIC Defkalion seeks to highlight and market a number of natural disaster management practices / systems, such as:
The products and services that will be developed in the framework of the DRIC Defkalion will have a particularly wide scope of application both at national and European level.